Plot Twist - High Maintenance Not finished. The first plot twist is surprising because we don't realise that they are robots until the woman switches off her 'husband'. However there are some hints before this scene where we find out that they are inhumane, like the line 'your'e a computer analyst'. The second plot twist in the short film is when the 'wife' orders a new 'husband' but not long after he is delivered he switches the woman off, which is logical and not surprising as we could tell that was going to happen. There are a few red herrings in the short film 'high maintenance'. The first one is that they are eating and drinking normally and even smoking at one point like humans so we don't think anything of them actually being robots which we later find out during the short film. The lighting throughout the short film is dim and low-key lighting as there is only 3 candles on their dinner table along with two quite dim lamps by...